The Fur-Family

Meet The Crew!


Atlas is the first cat to join the fur-family, he was adopted in 2019 and is currently about 7 years old. Atlas is the wise leader of pack and keeps everyone in check. Did I mention he is VERY food motivated?


Sophia is the first dog to join the fur-family in 2021. She was adopted at just 4 weeks old and is currently 1 and a half years old. With being the only dog in the family, she has definately picked up some cat-like traits while still being the average dog.


Morgan is third to join the fur-family. She was adopted at 3 months old and is currently 3 years old. Morgan is the shy and scardy cat of the group and mostly keeps to herself. At night she loves to venture out and play with the kittens.


Phoenix is fourth to join the fur-family. He was adopted in Seattle Washington at 8 weeks old and traveled all the way back to florida to join the rest of the crew. Phinx is now 7 months old and very curious and energetic.


Denali is fifth to join the fur-family. He was adopted in Seattle Washington at 8 weeks old and traveled all the way back to florida with his brother phoenix to join the rest of the crew. Denali is now 7 months old and very curious and energetic. Him and his broth have a very special bond!

Koi Fish

These are not fur-animals but they still count as part of the crew! 2 un-named koi fish that were brought home as babies, have grew tremendously over the past year. They are accompanied by a sucker fish that helps keep their tank clean

Community Fish

This fish tank was created to hold different types of fish as a community. This tank houses a betta fish, 2 guppies, molly, and a sucker fish.

They're not just pets, they're family!